Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Truth Behind "Free-Range" Turkey.

The first of our videos to come showing the truth behind the inherent abuse involved in the farming of non-human animals. The imagines shown in this short video were captured during investigations conducted by RESCUED. These investigations are time consuming and costly. Please help us continue to expose animal abuse issues and rescue the lives that we can by making a financial contribution.

RESCUED has made it a point not to purposely expose the names of the farms and corporations responsible for this needless and cruel animal abuse, because we do not wish to mislead viewers into thinking that these are isolated incidents from "one bad company" that should be boycotted. The point made by this video is that even farms who claim to care about animals still treat them as mere objects with little to no respect. The industry of raising animals to be brutally killed for a consumer's trivial desire of learned taste is the culprit  behind this abuse.

Far too many animal protection organizations make the mistake of pointing out the exposed companies name, as if by boycotting one company the abuse of animals will end. By drawing attention to a single companies name it takes the attention off the fact the this abuse IS animal farming at its very core.
There is no such thing as animal friendly farming when the end result is the killing and consuming of that creatures decapitated body.
The way to end this abuse is to confront the industries responsible.

The myth of "Humane" meat should be challenged almost stronger than the consumption of traditional factory farmed animal flesh because consumers who intentionally purchase so called "humane meat" content themselves into believing that they are doing something admirable. They should be broken of such narrow minded beliefs and brought to the reality of the dead and tortured flesh on their plate.

Please repost and share this video with as many people as you can to help end this needless killing and abuse.


Watch here

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